Early Access Limited-Time Offers


200 Million+

Over 200 Million Products Sold Worldwide

146 Countries

Available in 146 Countries

12 Years of Innovation

Pioneering in CarPlay OS Technology for 12 Years

100 Million

153 product patents after 12 years of development

153 Patents

153 product patents after 12 years of development


68 R&D Employees

200 Million+

Over 200 Million Products Sold Worldwide

146 Countries

Available in 146 Countries

12 Years of Innovation

Pioneering in CarPlay OS Technology for 12 Years

100 Million

153 product patents after 12 years of development

153 Patents

153 product patents after 12 years of development


68 R&D Employees

200 Million+

Over 200 Million Products Sold Worldwide

146 Countries

Available in 146 Countries

12 Years of Innovation

Pioneering in CarPlay OS Technology for 12 Years

100 Million

153 product patents after 12 years of development

153 Patents

153 product patents after 12 years of development


68 R&D Employees

Top Picks: Hottest Products 
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Discover our handpicked selection of must-have products, offering unbeatable value and top-notch performance. These crowd favorites are now available at the best discounts! Shop now and enjoy the ultimate deals on our best-selling items. Don't miss out—these offers won't last long!

MMB Max 5.0 Ai Box Android 13 Multimedia Wireless Carplay Adapter

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MMB BMW AI Box Wireless Multimedia Carplay Adapter

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MMB Max 4.0 Andriod 13 Wireless Carplay Adapter

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